Specially and thoughtfully selected for organic consumers

Well you don't have to necessarily wait for that next trip to India or wish you had an opportunity to shop in India if you have never been there! And what's more! If you are the type who cares for the environment and want to contribute to environmentally sustainable commerce, you are in the right blog!
Presenting "Made in India" products for a greener world!

Here are a few quality, handcrafted and handloom products from rural India mostly made from natural materials- cotton, silk, wood and coloured with vegetable/fruit based dyes.

When you buy these products you support fair trade and also help those rural artisans preserve those centuries of handed down traditions of handwork and skills. Not only do we help them generate income, but also sustain these traditions of handwork that's really part of their culture.

Monday, July 12, 2010

SOLD Kashmiri Papier Mache Painted Wooden Beads Necklace "Amna"

Lacquered Kashimiri Papier Mache Wood Beaded Necklace from Fabindia's "Amna" collection.

Papier mache is a delicate decorative art which shows the artistic zeal of a craftsman. This art was introduced in Kashmir in the 15th Century by a Kashmiri Prince who spent years in prison at Samarkand in Central Asia. The art born in the land of Persia was highly favored by Mughal Emperors of 15th and 16th Century.

Layers of pulped paper are applied to a mould with rice water used as a binding agent. The baubles are hand painted using indigenous minerals and vegetable colours where possible. Fine cat-hair brushes are used to bring intricate decorations to life. Traditional designs and the flowers, birds and animals featuring in the artists’ own environment are often featured.

RM 50.00